10 Foods That Parents Should Not Feed Their Kids!

8. Potato Chips Potato Chips are a portion of junk food and are unhealthy. It is eaten as a snack. In research, it was seen that potato chips are the main reason for gaining the most weight. As potato chips are very high in energy density, have a low satiety index, and have hydrogenated oils … Read more

10 Foods That Parents Should Not Feed Their Kids!

7. Instant noodles Instant noodles can never include in the list of healthy food. It is known as empty-calorie food. Instant noodles contain so many harmful chemicals that can affect the physical and mental development of a child and also the stomach. It actually does not contain much nourishment and unnecessary gain weight. Doctors recommend … Read more

10 Foods That Parents Should Not Feed Their Kids!

6. Large pieces of meat Meat can be harmful as while eating it there are many chances of kids swallowing a large chunk of meat directly and it may cause blocking or choke the airway of the child. Make sure to cut the pieces into small chunks so that its easy to eat. Meat is … Read more

10 Foods That Parents Should Not Feed Their Kids!

5. Gum Kids when going out with their parents always ask their parents to buy them gum or bubble gum and their parents fulfill their kid’s wishes, buy gum for them. But do you even know how dangerous it is? a small kid can just swallow the gum while eating it which may cause choking. … Read more

10 Foods That Parents Should Not Feed Their Kids!

4. Cow’s milk before 12 months Cow’s milk contains too many proteins, nutrients, and minerals. It is difficult for a newborn to digest cow milk and can also put pressure on the baby’s kidney. Cow milk may increase the risk for your newborn as it can cause intestinal bleeding as well. So avoid feeding cow … Read more