Things Everyone Forgets When Renovating Their Kitchen

1. Sufficient lighting

Sufficient lighting

Good lighting is an essential aspect of any kitchen. Not only does it provide the necessary visibility to prepare and cook meals, but it can also set the mood and enhance the overall aesthetic of the space. Inadequate lighting can lead to accidents, poor food preparation, and a less enjoyable cooking experience. One of the main reasons why good lighting is important in the kitchen is for safety. Proper lighting allows you to see what you’re doing, which is crucial when handling sharp knives and hot appliances.


2. Trash can placement

Trash can placement

It’s not the first thing we think about, but considering the location of the trash will make your whole kitchen more functional. However, you forgot where to put the trash, so your overflowing garbage sticks out and ruins the vibe of your kitchen. Some of your small kitchen storage space for your food waste will improve the flow and overall aesthetic, making your home’s heart feel more curated and stylish.


3. A proper kitchen work triangle

A proper kitchen work triangle

The kitchen work triangle is a design element that’s crucial to making most kitchens, well, work and unfortunately, it’s often overlooked during renovations. The area of a kitchen work triangle is a concept used to determine efficient kitchen layouts that are both aesthetically pleasing and functional. The kitchen work triangle principle is used by kitchen designers and architects when designing residential kitchens.


4. Choose a luxurious color palette

Choose a luxurious color palette

It’s amazing how a change of paint color or some new tiles can give a colorful kitchen or painted kitchen a completely fresh look. Really bright colors work well like orange, yellow, or blue. If you want to start experimenting with bold colors, a good way to do it is through a statement wall. This will give a splash of excitement, but won’t overwhelm the entire room. It will give a beautiful look to your kitchen.


5. Test the shades

Test the shades

Once you have your color palette, start testing out different shades of each color until you find one that works best for your kitchen’s layout and style. You may want to choose one specific hue as the focal point of your room or mix different shades to create a peaceful environment. Try to picture in your mind every little detail of the interior design.